
Axiz mitigates Microsoft partners’ support concerns

SPONSORED: With the news that Microsoft is informing partners that requirements and costs to participate in direct billing for Cloud Solution Providers (CSPs) will be increasing, and that revenue requirements are a likely next step in the evolution of the programme, partners can expect this to have a big impact on their companies.

03 July 2019

SPONSORED: With the news that Microsoft is informing partners that requirements and costs to participate in direct billing for Cloud Solution Providers (CSPs) will be increasing, and that revenue requirements are a likely next step in the evolution of the programme, partners can expect this to have a big impact on their companies.

According to Traci Maynard, Microsoft Executive at Axiz, there are two new direct-bill requirements that partners must meet before their next enrolment period. Firstly, Microsoft will be enforcing the CSP programme guide requirements upon contract renewal. These requirements will include back-to-back technical support from Microsoft.

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