
The UX designer

What minds lie behind the products, platforms and processes that entice people?

15 May 2019

There was once a time when companies created solutions that didn’t consider people. They simply existed. Sure, they did what they were supposed to do. But did they understand the user? Did they ask why the user wanted the product or what problem it was solving for them? This lack of user insight ignited the creation of the user experience (UX) design – the bridge between the functional and the personal. The Polyfilla between user needs and business needs and the reason why some solutions succeed where other, identical solutions fail.

“People ignore products that ignore people,” says Patrick Glynn, head of UX/Product, Leadhome. “Being a user experience designer is about understanding the problem a user has before creating a solution. For example, people don’t want drills, they want to make a hole, and there are 100 ways to make a hole. This subtle difference in thinking leads to innovation.”

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