
Make your own AI

No coding experience? No data scientists? No problem.

02 April 2024

AI is starting to make it a lot easier to use certain services. For example, you can ask ChatGPT for email introduction ideas or tell Canva to generate brochure designs. But what about training AI to do specific tasks for your project or app, such as giving it sales data to create predictions? Or asking it to produce answers from your personal library or documents, or training a model to watch and count how many times you drink water? Such AI use cases typically require extensive training by professionals, putting them out of reach for the rest of us. But a new generation of online services enables people with no development or training experience to create and improve AI models, create chatbots with large language model features, and even tell your email where to stick things (politely).

Here are seven services that provide no-code AI training and workflow design. Some can produce results that require no further development, and others export models for integration into apps. They are generally affordable, and a few are even entirely free. Put off that data science course for a while longer and jump into hassle-free AI modelling.

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