
In search of the grey gamer

Video games are not the domain of an age group, but rather the great leveller in the business playing field.

01 November 2013

Since the advent of the first console in the 1970s, video games regularly conjure up visions of young lads with spotty faces in low-slung pants oozing poor hygiene on crumb-spattered chairs and harassing girls online. These boys have grown up and are now in their 40s and 50s, enjoying the advancements in gaming tech and the fact that it’s gone mobile. They have connected with hygiene and probably didn’t all harass the girls.

The average age of the most frequent game purchaser is 39+ according to the Entertainment Standards Authority (ESA) and core gamers are older and more numerous than people realise. The first gaming geeks have grown up and they’ve not set their controllers aside in favour of golf and whiskey. So how does this translate to the bottom line? Is the South African CEO really hankering for a LAN rather than death by PowerPoint?

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